- Are we part of GOD and will we unite with him after our death?
- Is Allah and his creations same?
Answer is.. No. Allah created us and we are his creation and Allah and his creations are 2 different entities.
Eg: We were in our mother’s womb and we came in this world but we are not part of our mother. We and our mother are different entity. When we feel hungry or thirsty we require to eat food and drink water and not our mother.
It’s an irrational philosophy that GOD and his creations are one and we will unit with him one day.
When humans do bad deeds it is not Allah doing bad deeds and when we are punished, it is not Allah punishing himself.
There is no verse in Quran which says Allah and his creation are same and we will unite with God after world ends or when we die…
*And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me (Zariyat51:56)
*[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving –(Mulk67:2)